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The Four Cs - Evaluating Diamond Quality

When selecting the perfect diamond, there are four different components to consider: cut, color, carat and clarity — otherwise known as the Four Cs of diamond quality. These four characteristics interact to create an optimal result of beauty and value. Even changing just one of these aspects can dramatically affect the diamond’s visual appearance and price.

Each of the Four Cs has its own level of importance to the wearer and owner of the diamond. Size is most important to some while others may favor clarity. At Wixon, we place a strong emphasis on the cut of a diamond, as it has a direct impact on how the diamond sparkles.


When selecting a diamond, the shape of the diamond itself is one of the most important considerations. Each of the various diamond shapes has its own unique characteristics. Like all jewelry and fashion items, the most popular diamond shapes can depend on current trends and fads. A diamond’s cut is arguably its most important component, as it has the greatest impact on its beauty and sparkle. While very complex, this aspect is incredibly crucial to the diamond’s value and appearance. When cut to exacting proportions, a diamond will sparkle and return light unlike anything else.


A diamond’s color impacts both its appearance and its value. The color grading of diamonds is based on a scale which is a continuum of color intensities ranging from colorless to obviously tinted. The color grades are very small increments along this continuum starting at D and progressing to Z. This is known as the “normal range” of diamond color. Colors beyond Z are referred to as “fancy colors” and are graded in a completely different way. In general, diamond values fall through the normal range and then abruptly begin to increase once color strength hits the fancy range. For the purposes of this article we confine the discussion to color grading in the normal range.

The color of a diamond or lack thereof is another factor to consider when making a selection. While it is often difficult to make subtle distinctions in color with the naked eye, these different grades have a significant impact on value and quality. The less body color a diamond has the more desirable and rare it becomes.

The 4 C's - A Guide to Diamond Clarity and Diamond Grading | Clarity

The subject of diamond clarity is an interesting one. The impurities in diamond create a “fingerprint” that is unique for every diamond. In that regard they are quite helpful in providing identifying characteristics. And while there are many types of diamond inclusions, and they are the subject of much interest and discussion on the part of diamond shoppers, the practical impact of many diamond clarity grades on diamond beauty is surprisingly small!

Diamonds are formed deep within the earth as a result of intense heat and pressure. As a result of this natural process, most diamonds possess slight imperfections on their surface (blemishes) or inside the diamond (inclusions). These characteristics can be seen as the diamond’s fingerprint or birthmark because they make each diamond unique from the next. Diamonds without inclusions or blemishes are rare, and most characteristics can only be viewed under magnification.

  • FL - Flawless - no internal inclusions or external blemishes
  • FL - Flawless - no internal inclusions or external blemishes
  • IF – Internally flawless - no inclusions visible at 10x magnification but some minor blemishes.
  • VVS1 - Very, Very Slightly Included 1- inclusions extremely difficult to see at 10x magnification.
  • VVS2 – Very, Very Slightly Included 2 – inclusions very difficult to see at 10x magnification.
  • VS1 - Very Slightly Included 1 – inclusions difficult to see at 10x magnification.
  • VS2 – Very Slightly Included 2 – inclusions somewhat difficult to see at 10x magnification.
  • Si1 - Slightly Included 1 – inclusions somewhat easy to see at 10x magnification, can sometimes be seen with naked eye.
  • Si2 - Slightly Included 2 – inclusions very noticeable at 10x magnification, often possible to see with naked eye.
  • I1- Imperfect 1 – inclusions obvious with 10x magnification, and usually can be seen with naked eye.
  • I2- Imperfect 2 – Inclusions can be seen with naked eye and often compromises beauty or durability.
  • I3- Imperfect 3 – Inclusions that cause severe beauty and/or durability deficits.

Carat Weight

Carat is a measure of WEIGHT. The weight of a diamond is expressed in carats. This term comes from ancient times when gems were weighed against the carob bean. One carat is equal to 200 milligrams, or one fifth of a gram. Most people think of a carat in relation to the size of the diamond, but it is actually based on weight. The weight of a diamond is traditionally measured in terms of carat, a unit of weight under which 1 carat equals .20 grams. Each carat is divided into 100 points, allowing for a very precise measurement of the diamond. For instance, a diamond that weighs .50 carat may be referred to as a “half-carat” or a “fifty-pointer.”

Two diamonds of equal carat weight can have significantly different costs because of the other factors of cut, color, and clarity. As a diamond increases in size and carat weight, its price will increase accordingly due to larger diamonds being more rare and thus more valuable.